why knowing your fears is just as important as setting your goals.
09. Juni 2023
Fear-Setting-Training (EN)
Fear can be your greatest enemy or your best friend! It can freeze you and make you forget everything you know. Or it can guide you to reach your true potential in life. Besides making beautiful plans and setting aspiring goals, entrepreneurs should also learn how to play with the mental mechanisms, that sabotage their everyday work.
This training is for the bold entrepreneurs, who feel ready to accept fear as their master. We will present a practical and profound tool for fear management in an interactive and light way. Embark on this adventure!
Das 4-Stündige Training (14:00 - 18:00 Uhr) findet auf der "Alten Fähre" Lochau statt und wird von dem Piratenpaar Raíssa Teles und Christof Brockhoff ("Piratas do Amor" - www.piratasdoamor.com) geleitet. Gehalten wird das Training diesesmal auf Englisch - aber alles easy!
Raíssa Teles & Christof Brockhoff
The Pirates' co-captains couple, is currently studying traditional sailing in the Netherlands. Raíssa left São Paulo to live close to her master: the ocean. As a free educator, communicator and fear enthusiast, she facilitates experience-based personal development processes for 10 years. Christof comes from Liechtenstein and moved to the ocean to build his own little utopia. As the co-founder of Ideenkanal, an incubation process for social entrepreneurs in the Alps, he is passionate about supporting bold people with meaningful projects.
Away from social rules and norms, going to the sea is an opportunity to look at life on earth from a different perspective. Living with limited resources, constant movement, little comfort and zero privacy, naturally invites us to reframe the way we relate to ourselves, to one other and the world at large.
Together with top facilitators, healers, magicians and masters of all kinds, Piratas do Amor offer transformative learning experiences at sea and at land. Their expeditions are laboratories to support the transition to a new global culture based on love and regeneration.
Du willst dabei sein?
Dieses Training ist für 20 Teilnehmerinnen konzipiert und ist für diese kostenlos*.
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* Dieses Training wird durch das AplusB Projektbudget finanziert und ist weiters durch EcoAction gesponsert. Es können vor Ort selbst Getränke und Snacks gekauft werden. Wir wollen mit den kostenlosen Tickets kein Mitglieder-Fishing betreiben, sondern einen besonderen Anreiz mit Mehrwert schaffen. Die Initiative der Fempower Community ist aktuell Non-Profit.